
Alvaro Naddeo

Alvaro Naddeo hails from São Paulo, Brazil, and has led a diverse life, having also resided in Lima, New York City, and currently Los Angeles. These bustling urban environments have greatly influenced his creative output, infusing his work with memories and impressions of the varied locales he has inhabited. Naddeo's artistic talent is partly self-taught and partly the result of his homeschooling. As a child, he spent countless hours drawing and observing his father, an illustrator, at work. Although his father provided invaluable inspiration and encouragement, Naddeo also found the comparison of his own artistic efforts to those of his father's daunting. At 17, he abandoned art and instead pursued a career in advertising as an Art Director, which allowed him to remain connected to his artistic passions while avoiding the pressure to perfect his drawing and painting skills. Two decades later, living in New York City exposed him to new contrasts and rekindled his desire to...

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Original Art