

Reliquaries is a group show guest curated by Jean Labourdette. This show includes new works by Shawn Barber, Mike Davis, Peter Ferguson, El Gato Chimney, Dan Witz and Jean Labourdette. A reliquary is a container or shrine for holy objects, and the participating artists have been inspired by this theme to varying degrees: some works obviously depict a reliquary and others are influenced by the idea, though, as Labourdette suggests, paintings by their very nature can be considered sacred objects which capture some of the soul of the artist who created them.

Opening reception: Saturday, Dec 9, 6pm – 9pm. Free entry!

Exhibition runs until Dec 24.

Jean Labourdette AKA Turf One (Canada) is somewhat obsessed with Russian icons, dead things, carnival sideshows, seedy theatre stages and Victorian-looking midgets sporting dandy facial hair. Technically, his paintings are reminiscent of the 15th-century Flemish Primitives. Labourdette has forged a unique artistic vision and signature...

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