
Gerard Geer - A wide range of diaphonised wet specimens are available



A wide range of diaphonised wet specimens are available

See photos for some examples

 Please note: Only some specimens are available for online orders, but all are available at the gallery. Please enquire for more information.

Available specimens include: seahorses, stingrays, quails, lizards, rats, mice, cane toads, gourami, betta fish, pinky mice and rats, quail embryo, goldfish, pleco, guppy, whitebait, molly, swordtail, clown loach, kuli loach and many more! See photos for some examples.

There will also be a lucky dip of small specimens available at the gallery for $40 each. Most of the specimens listed above will be included in the lucky dip, as well as many others.

Gerard Geer merges creativity with chemistry and anatomy in his artistic practice. His fascination with biological processes and all things anatomical is integral to his work. Geer utilises a combination of naturalistic articulation of animal specimens and amalgamations of interspecific forms to create fantastical hybrid creatures and intricate landscapes. Geer is self-taught in all of the techniques he uses in creating his artworks. On the rare occasions he is not working towards his degree or creating new pieces, he teaches Australia’s first and only skeletal articulation classes.

Original Art