
Dustin Myers

Dustin Myers, born and raised in Southern California, has been drawing and painting for as long as he can remember. His initial exposure to colour and form began at his family's auto body shop, laying the groundwork for his later works. As an artist, Dustin specializes in creating exaggerated, stylistic caricatures that pay homage to various facets of American life. He focuses on "misfits," capturing the essence of gangly teens, awkward kids, and suburban soccer mums.

'I love odd-looking people, ' Myers says, and describes his work as a vehicle for these often-overlooked characters to "step out of the shadows and into the spotlight." His pieces are not just portraits but stories that celebrate the complexity and individuality of each subject. Dustin's art is heavily influenced by the nostalgia of the 1980s and 90s, evoking wistful longings for tastes of middle American suburban life, the ambience of middle school cafeterias, mall culture, and a time when MTV still played...

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