
Andrew Cadima - Invasions

Invasions is a new series of paintings by Andrew Cadima. These paintings are an exploration into the trespass of our minds and our world from outside elements and the influence they hold over us.

Opening reception: Saturday, July 16th, 6 - 9pm. Drinks will be provided by Ballistic Beer Co and Hills Cider.

This exhibition will run from July 17th - August 7th and will coincide with Annie Montgomerie's Fitting In, Bruno Pontiroli's Expression Corporelle and Ben Howe's The More Things Change.

Included in this collection are two series of works. One series explores the effect that other people have on us personally and how things like social media have changed the weight of influence we experience from strangers and our friends. The other series presents an imagined past where our world is trespassed by something more cosmic. In both scenarios, it is largely up...

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