
Briana Hertzog - Feral Garden

'Feral Garden' is a collection of new paintings by Briana Hertzog

Opening reception: Saturday June 22nd, 6 - 9pm. Drinks will be provided by our friends at Better Beer.   Briana will be in attendance at the opening.

This exhibition will run from June 23rd - July 14th and will coincide with Richard Ahnert's 'Alchemy of Objects', Jesús Aguado's 'Bones and Joy' and Gigi Chen's 'A Collective Glow'

Briana Hertzog’s 'Feral Garden' is an untamed wilderness where flowers consume flowers and prey consumes predator. This collection of narrative based paintings express the  unyielding instincts of nature and stories of satisfying revenge. 

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Original Art